Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ed 6620 Assignment #2

Barriers to Implementing Technology in the Classroom


According to Fabian (2009), there are approximately 1.5 billion Internet users around the world, and people spend four to seven hours a day using a computer.  Statistics like these tell us that technology is used extensively, but is it being used effectively in the context of teaching learning? The United States Department of Education (2002) reports that only 42% of youth aged 5-17 are using the Internet for school.  Donlevy (2005), in discussing the U.S. Department of Education’s National Technology Plan (2004) contends that schools are struggling with the management of new technologies.  He asserts that ineffective policies and strategies are in place, but even if they were effective, what good will policy serve if the technology is not implemented in the classroom?
These findings show that technology is not always being used effectively for teaching and learning, but whether or not technology will be used effectively in the future remains to be seen. Al-Bataineh, Anderson, Toledo, and Wellinski (2008), in their study of 49 US teachers, argued that technology will change education as a result of continued advancements and breakthroughs. This paper will discuss the barriers associated with the successful implementation of classroom technology in the K-12 school system, including lack of funds, lack of training, and challenges associated with integration and accessibility.
As someone who is employed in the education sector, I feel this is an important area to study, as technology in the classroom has always been a personal interest for me, and always has an impact on students.     

Barrier 1: Lack of Funds

            The struggle for money is a major barrier to technology in the classroom, and cannot be emphasized enough. Teachers can have the training required to teach with technology, but if the money is not there to purchase the technology, it cannot be used as a teaching tool. Technology is expensive, and is constantly changing: what might be state of the art technology today may be obsolete in one year.
Many schools have budget restrictions that simply cannot keep up with the pace of technology, therefore it may not make it to the classroom while it is still relevant, or at all. Lowther, Ross and Morrison (2003) in their study of 26 elementary teachers, indicated that using wireless laptops would save building and maintenance costs. This means that while in the long run, technology can save on fixed asset building costs, but the upfront costs are obviously high, which stands in the way of classroom implementation.
One solution to challenges related to budgets would be to place classroom technology in communal computer labs that have lots of technology, rather than place a little technology in each classroom. Becker (2000), analyzed a 1998 US survey of Teaching, Learning and Computing.  He suggested that in the future, technology should be put into classrooms rather than in a centralized location. This practice would eliminate high ranking on the “pecking order” (Hew & Brush, 2006, p.227) by technology related teachers. It would also help overcome the disadvantage of booking the computer lab that teachers of non-technological subject areas have when it comes to integration of technology. This means that every class would have a chance to use what technology is available for use, rather than not having certain technology available because it is being stored in someone’s classroom that is constantly in use. This helps make sure the technology is shared more equally amongst classes in any given school.
Another hindrance to integration of technology in the future is that schools are employing a limited number of technology specialists (Hew and Brush, 2006).  Means, Bakia and Murphy (2014) suggest that hiring a technology specialist for each school will greatly alleviate the stress on classroom teachers by having someone accessible to troubleshoot problems, as well as offer training and tips. To make matters worse, Cuban, Kirkpatrick and Peck (2001) found that these specialists are often overwhelmed.  Possible solutions to this issue include educating all preservice teachers in effective technology integration in the context of teaching and learning or hiring more specialists.

Barrier 2: Lack of Training

            In order for technology to be successful in the classroom, teachers must have the training required to effectively use it as a teaching tool. Even in cases where there are no budget related challenges, if classroom teachers do not have the proper skills and training to teach using the technology, it may be of no value, even if it is physically present. Al-Batenei, Anderson, Toledo and Wellinski (2008) surveyed 49 teachers in Illinois. They found that 16% of the teachers were uncomfortable with technology use and reported that the most frequent barrier to using technology in the classroom was the lack of familiarity with technology.
Teachers need to be familiar with technology in order to feel comfortable using it. Hew and Brush (2007) reviewed 48 empirical studies from 1995 to 2006 in the United States and countries abroad and identified lack of technological knowledge and skills as a major barrier to technology integration and one of the common reasons technologies were not being used. This means that there are cases where technology has been purchased and installed in the classroom, but is still not being used due to lack of teacher training.  Al-Bataineh et al. (2008) sampled 49 Illinois teachers and asked the participants what barrier had the most influence on implementing technology.  The most frequent response was lack of familiarity with the technology.  Hew and Brush (2006), in their literature review of 48 empirical studies, identified lack of technology-supported pedagogical knowledge and skills as a major barrier to technology integration. Just because the technology is in the classroom physically does not mean that teachers are able to effectively use it as a teaching tool. This is why training is such an important barrier to study when it comes to challenges associated with classroom technology.
One solution would be for school boards to offer low cost or offer free professional development training to teachers who need lessons or refreshers on technology. Doing different level professional development classes for teachers with different levels of skill would also be effective, as beginner teachers would not have a false start with technology in the classroom, and more advanced teachers would not be bored with what is being taught because they already know the material.

Barrier 3: Lack of Integration and Accessibility

It is up to teachers and administrators to make sure the proper teaching technological tools are being used in today’s classrooms. Administrators should work to make sure the technology is available, and teachers need to make efforts to use technology as a teaching tool once it is available. Chen and Price (2006), in their study of one hundred and seventy five teachers in the Chicago School System, stated that appropriate computer equipment is a prerequisite for classroom use of technology. Teachers can have the skills necessary to teach using technology, but if the physical technology is not available for use, then the technology cannot be integrated effectively into the classroom. Hew and Brush (2006), in their examination of forty-eight empirical studies, argue that without access to hardware in schools, integration of technology is not possible. To address this issue, technology should be integrated slowly in the future.  In a case study of a UK secondary school, Tearle (2004) suggested introducing technology into one or two subject areas at a time to make sure teachers have adequate resources.
Accessibility is another important barrier to technology. Technology must be easily accessible by teachers and students alike in order for technology to be successfully integrated into the classroom. Jackson (2015) states that students should be given the equipment necessary to fill the requirements of courses; for example, online courses require a computer with Internet, and alternate format material (course material on CD or DVD) would require a multimedia player. If you do not have the technology available on hand, you simply cannot participate in the learning process. The CD player is a marginal example, but Internet accessibility is a major challenge when it comes to using technology in the classroom, especially in rural areas where high-speed Internet access may not be available. Even if the hardware is available for use, and teachers have the skills required to teach using the technology, it is unlikely that they will be able to do much without the Internet, as so many teaching tools rooted in technology require high speed Internet in order to be effective.

Proposed Solutions and Future Directions Overview

Metzler and Sherman (1997) suggest it takes six to seven years for full technology implementation to take place in the classroom. Teachers need to be ensured that they have the time to master skills that may be new to them, and ensure their students are also given the time to master new skills. Learning styles are necessary in implementing technology to ensure teachers are given the opportunity to learn in the way that is most beneficial to them. It is necessary to provide a “combination of traditional workshops, in-classroom collaborations, mentoring, conferences, and whole-learning residential workshops” (Metzler & Sherman, 1997, p.57). The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow (ACOT) program researchers have determined that there are five stages in which teachers go through while implementing technology in the classroom which include: the entry stage, the adoption stage, the adaptation stage, the appropriation stage, and the invention stage (Technology and Learning, 1994, p.39). These stages can take a number of years to work through. It is important for teachers to feel comfortable using the technology, and it has been shown that by allowing teachers to “play” with the equipment at home it shows greater significance in success. Metzler and Sherman (1997) believe that learning is something that comes from the being able to access technology without restriction, to have more equipment, motivation to actually use and learn about new technology, as well as a community of peers that are also trying to master the same skills. Below is an original image outlining some of the barriers discussed in this paper, as well as some of the proposed solutions:


The challenges discussed above are: lack of funds, lack of training, and challenges associated with integration and accessibility. One of the main things I learned while writing this paper is that in order to properly and effectively integrate technology into the classroom, all of the above barriers (and likely others that I did not have time to study yet) have to be overcome and addressed, not just one barrier or another. As an example, you can have no challenges related to budget, and a school can be equipped with the most amazing technological hardware, but it is meaningless if the teachers working there do not have the training required to use this technology as an effective teaching tool. To continue with this example, you can have trained teachers, and all the hardware required, but if you happen to teach in a rural area without high-speed Internet access, you may be unable to teach effectively. 


Al-Bataineh, A., Anderson, S., Toledo, C., & Wellinski, S. (2008). A Study of Technology Integration in the Classroom. International Journal of Instructional Media, 35(4), 381-387.

Becker, H.J. (2000). Findings from the Teaching, Learning, and Computing Survey: Is Larry Cuban Right? Education Policy Analysis Archives, 8(51). 

Castaño-Muñoz, J., Duart, J., & Sancho-Vinuesa, T. (2014). The Internet in face-to-face higher education: Can interactive learning improve academic achievement? British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(1), 149-159.

Chen, J. and Price, V. (2006). Narrowing the Digital Divide: Head Start Teachers Develop Proficiency in Technology. Education and Urban Society, 38, 398-405.

Cuban, L., Kirkpatrick, H., & Peck, C. (2001). High Access and Low Use of Technologies in High School Classrooms: Explaining an Apparent Paradox. American Educational Research Journal, 38(4), 813-834.

Donlevy, D. (2005). Envisioning the Future: The U.S. Department of Education’s National Technology Plan.  International Journal of Instructional Media, 32(2), 107-109.

Hew, K. and Brush, T. (2007). Integrating Technology into K-12 teaching and Learning: Current Knowledge Gaps and Recommendations for Future Research. Education Technology Research and Development, 55, 223-252.

Jackson, M. (2015). Top 10 Distance Learning Disadvantages. Retrieved from

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Lowther, D.L., Ross, S.M., & Morrison, G.M. (2003). When each one has one: The influences on Teaching Strategies and student achievement of Using Laptops in the Classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development, 51(3), 23-44.

Means, B., Bakia, M., & Murphy, R. (2014). Learning online: What research tells us about whether, when and how. New York and London: Routledge.

Metzler, J. and Sherman, T. (1997). 10 commandments to implement technology. The Education Digest, 62(8), 57-61.

Tearle, P. (2004). A Theoretical and Instrumental Framework for Implementing Change in ICT in Education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 34(3), 331-351.

Technology and Learning. (1994). Classroom technology implementation stages. Technology and Learning, 14(5), p.39.

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