Thursday, October 13, 2011

Smart Boards in the Classroom

When searching the web for information on Smart Boards, I came across a great piece called "Education Technology for the Classroom: From Blackboards to Digital Projectors to SMART Boards"

What is a Smart Board?
Smart Boards are interactive white boards that works using touch technology. Smart boards are advanced enough to act as a blackboard, flip chart, and a presentation screen at the same time while encouraging interactive learning.

How I would incorporate Smart Board technology into the classroom:
  • Smart board technology can be incorporated into the classroom by acting as a piece that encourages students to learn together by solving problems as a group with the help of the smart board.
  • Smart boards can also incorporate other technologies such as MS Excel, so this would help with demonstrations and exercises.
  • I would use Smart Board technology to turn my projector image into an interactive whiteboard that I could write on .
  • I would also use Smart Board technology to save lesson plans digitally, rather than writing everything on a board over and over again for different classes who are learning the same thing.
Advantages and Limitations:

  • Easy and intuitive to use
  • Efficient and reliable technology
  • Instructors can use the Smart Board to control many different types of technology with the touch of a board
  • Work can be saved to a notebook file, archived or printed
  • Can be hard to write neatly on the Smart Board
  • Expensive - Smart Boards cost about $1400 each
  • You still need a projector to use the Smart Board
  • Technical difficulties - technology isn't perfect, and there are always technical problems at some point
Kurento, M (August 2011). Education Technology for the Classroom: From Blackboards to Digital Projectors to SMART Boards. Retrieved from

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